Friday, April 26, 2013

Yummy Lobster - Semporna, Sabah

Searingly hot Malaysia I find myself in the beautiful and inspiring island…Oh Sabah…Sabah…Sabah! To be more particular, it’s Semporna by the way. This place has given me new appreciation of Malaysia outside KL.
We stayed in Dragon Inn Floating Resort. The view = spectacular! This place offers a very distinguished resort experience. All the rooms are built on stilts and have an amazing view of the ocean and sunsets.
Dragon Inn
Perfecto! –Baked lobster with cheese

My hat is off to you Chili Crab!
Prawn Salad with Avocado

Actually there is almost no reason for anyone to come here except for the world-famous diving spots in Sipadan, and to some extent, Mabul and Kapalai and the extensive seafood offering especially lobster. Lobster goes for RM50-60 per kg! Yea…yea you've heard me right. So…calling all seafood's lover, pack your bag now! I’m lured in by everything I can see. The beach, the resort, the starfish, and the stunning moment of sunsets definitely cannot fail to draw gasps of wonder from everyone who sees them.

Palm size starfish hey!
The local food offers not much different from the one offered in peninsular of Malaysia so I’m telling myself, just focus on Lobster and other bizarre food. My goodness, when I said try…I really did try everything from lobster stew, lobster dip, boiled lobster, bisque, and many more lobster recipes. My tummy... kababooommmm! (exploded)

Oh..oh..yea…I also tried most of their fresh seaweed called Latok! I have been told by one of the local lady in the market, it’s good for skin. One bite and my skin turned to smooth & radiant. Bye2 SKII, I don’t need you anymore J

This one taste a bit salty and has a very strong smell of the ocean.

Sea Urchin: Slimy and a mix of salty and buttery taste.

Sink made by cockle shell. Can you imagine how big this cockle is?

It whetted my appetite for more of Borneo and I'll be forever yearning for more Lobster till my next trip!

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