Wednesday, April 17, 2013

A day in Japan -My Sushi Mission

Oh hello there! 
How many of you are sushi freak? Here…here...yes I’m put my hand up…both hands by the way.
Mates, let me brief you a bit about sushi.

The origin of sushi is believed to have been during the second century A.D. in Southeast Asia. During that time need they would cure meat and fish and wrap it in rice to preserve its freshness (no refrigerator that time ma). The idea eventually spread through China and then to Japan, where fish is a food staple. The Japanese would ferment their cured-fish-and-rice sushi with Japanese rice wine, or sake. And now, thank you to the globalization I guess, we able to taste this skillful cuisine anywhere around the globe but of course it’s better in here.

I got carried away didn't I? OK  back to my food exploration. I went to Japan last time for work of course but I determined to try all the sushi there. Bucket List = “Have Best Sushi
I’m thrilled!

The best thing about Japan is their food is superbly fresh. Try out their sashimi. Eating a raw fish may sound slightly disturbing for some but believe me they are magical. Salmon is my favourite and that thing in here was exceptional! I don’t even know how to describe these great pieces melting in your mouth. Well, describing all the selection of sushi is very challenging for me thou so I’ll pass that on to the expert and I’m ready just to eat. I have to admit it’s a bit little expensive but…hey people, I’m in Japan now, enjoy it while you can uh! (Yea and I did loan from my mom when I get back in town).

Tadaa! Isn't that a sight for sore eyes?

I’m fascinated on how this little angel has made my day. Thank you sushi...thank you Japan...thank you fishy...( wiping a tears of joy)

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