Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Left my heart in Jogjakarta, Indonesia –Part 3

Well..well…after a rough ride from the mountain, here we are in Malioboro. Good bye fresh air! This place is just bustling!

This market sells lots of stuffs from types of souvenir, batik, clothes, medicine, food, fruits, etc. And of course, which Asian market would be complete without the downright strange. Snake skin fruit 'salak' where you can see all over the place, on the road side and side walk. 

Salak: It has an astringent taste and are sweet

During this trip, I've a list of new foods that I've experienced in Indonesia.

  1. Bakso: meat balls with noodles, celery, fried shallots, and hot beef broth.

  2. Gudeg: white rice, chicken, hard-boiled egg, fried tofu and/or tempeh, and sambel goreng krecek.
  3. Sambel Ijau: Caution! Spicy. I can say its staple at all Indonesian tables.
  4. Pecel Lele: A fried catfish cooked with chilies and served with white rice. Simple but it’s a standout across Jogjakarta.
  5. Gado-gado: All kind of boiled vegetables served with a peanut sauce dressing
  6. Ketoprak: a simple street dish that tastes mostly of peanuts and spice. Contains vermicelli, tofu, bean sprout and cracker
  7. Rawon: A beef stew that goes heavy on the keluak nut to give it a nutty flavour and black colour.
  8. Bebek Goreng: cheap foods of warung . Bebek is a fried duck, with several complementary such as white rice, cucumber, snake bean and sambal.
  9. Nasi Uduk: A perennial favourite among native Betawi, the meal revolves around rice cooked in coconut milk and includes a pinwheel of various meat and vegetable accoutrements.
  10. Tahu gerjrot: small pieces fried tofu ,eaten with marinade sauce (perfect blend of sweet soy sauce, brown sugar and vinegar)
  11. Pempek: savoury fishcake made of fish and tapioca and eaten with vinegar sauce
  12. Gorengan: Literally “fried foods,” are the most prolific snacks in all of Indonesia. It’s a fritters made from vegetables, shredded carrot, cabbage and bean sprouts and fermented soybean cakes.
 See how's this mister cleaning up the plate of gorengan!

That’s concludes my trip to Jogjakarta, I’ll come again hunger for more J

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