Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Prep, prep, prep!

Prep, prep, prep! Holy moly. Preparing for a dinner party always starts off smoothly. I thought there's all the time in the world, having breaks for Starbuck Frappuccino, cheese toasties and for tasting (and tasting) my fruit cocktail, when suddenly I realize I still have four other courses to do with 2.5 hours left. Panic sets in, the pace picks up, and there's silent work flurry for at least one hour. All this among desperate tweeting to let friends and guests know I’m taking the challenge seriously! Bahaha…

The course menu : 
Vegie Springroll

Lemongrass Rice
Chicken Rendang
Chicken Masak Merah
Peanut Sauce
Tsa Bee Hoon
Stir Pineapple with Capsicum

Fruit Cocktail
Tea & Coffee

We got carried away didn't we? With only three manpower, these engines will definitely be exploded! Finally, after all the yelling, sweat, laughter and tears, we are set to open our door for our lovely friends.

Lemongrass Rice
Chicken Masak Merah
Tsa Bee Hoon

Stir Pineapple with Capsicum
Veggie Spring Roll

Peanut Sauce
Chicken Rendang

 When my friend buzzling for the recipe of my dishes, I know I'm doing something right! I’m happy that all my guests leaved feeling satisfied and not guilty!

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