Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Borneo Unique Fruits

I just like trying out things I've never seen before. I'm also getting slightly addicted to them. What weird and wonderful fruits have you eaten recently? Here's my fair share.


These fruits are mainly grown in parts of Borneo Island especially in northern part of Sarawak called Dabai. This fruit have dark purple skin and when skin removed, we can see oily yellowish appearance. The yellowish fresh taste creamy. The way to eat it is first rinse it then soaks in lukewarm water until it softens. Season with salt. They even fried rice with this fruit. 


The santol fruit is round and as big as a big apple. Inside the fruit there is a white juicy pulp around 3 to 5 brown seeds. The pulp is mostly sub-acid or sour. When the fruit is not ripe, the fruit is very sour.


Widely known as wild starfruit. Red colour when it ripe. Taste sweet and sour


The taste of the fruit is not sweet rather sour. However, after eating the fruits, food consumed after will taste sweet. The leaf of this plant was traditional used for wrapping rice cake. According to local folk lore identified it as a natural sweetener that gives a very sweet taste or sensation when its seeds or parts of the plant are chewed.


Tarap fruit looks like the offspring of the jackfruit & breadfruit. When ripe the smell can be pretty strong, The flesh is silky & smooth, and taste like a cross between mangoes & jackfruit!


This plant grows in coastal, natural forest, riparian zone, wetlands, moist and wet forest and marsh fringe. Normally this fruit come in bluish or purple color, has sweet and sour taste.


This fruit grows wild in many dry forests in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka as well as the spread in Southeast Asia, including in Malaysia. Bilak has hard shell and ripe fruit is yellow or orange with a fragrant aroma.

Photo Credit: Anim Agro
There's no end to God's creativity isn't!

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