Monday, September 2, 2013

Meat-Eater – Too Woo Mba

My carnivores tag up! It’s happened when I heard that there is one restaurant in town called ‘Too Woo Mba’ where they serve all the meat from Aussie.

We heard that they are really…I repeat, really serving a @Wagyu beef. Wagyu beef or sometimes also known as Kobe beef, originates from a small group of breeds of cattle from Japan that are genetically predisposed to high marbling. The great thing about Wagyu beef is that even though the meat is heavily marbled with intramuscular fat, this type of fat is of the good or unsaturated kind.
I really wanted to have the Wagyu but then they don’t have it. A little bit disappointed L

We ordered a tenderloin steak, fettuccine carbonara & mix grill platter. Our order was served. After my first bite of the steak I was like a crazy vampire initiated. I had gotten a taste I couldn't shake and hungered for more. My meat cooked for medium rare and it was perfectly succulent.  

A bit bland for their mix platter. It’s a combination of chicken, beef & lamb with a choice of black pepper or mushroom sauce. My friend ordered her meat for mid well but we think it was cooked for well done, a bit dry and quite hard.

 For the fettuccine, it’s ok ok lah but I prefer the one in Chilli’s Espresso (will post up later). 

I cannot more highly recommend Toowomba just because its menu and nothing like what I would have expected. But the waiters did accommodate every request with smiles. 

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