Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Freakishly Clam - Geoduck

I mean, what on earth is a geoduck?! Objects resembling overgrown mutant tails lie flaccid on top of each other with a sign saying RM 198 per kilogram. I was mumbling, ‘those better be some tasty mutants’.

After my deep research on the internet, I found out that geoduck is the largest burrowing clam in the world. At maturity It’s weighing in at anywhere from one to three pounds. The appearance of geoduck's large, protruding siphon has led to the belief that the geoduck has the properties of an aphrodisiac. Bahaha…no comment thou!

Some people saying it tasted oceany. Well…with the image of the beast in my mind, my first bite was met with hesitation. But after trying it, I can honestly say as a seafood lover I felt like I had been missing out something awesome! I tried geoduck sashimi and geoduck ceviche and also the fritter in many different styles during this freakishly clam adventures. So, if you ever get the chance to taste it, please don’t pass up the opportunity. I bet you’ll be surprised how much you’ll enjoy it. If you are in KL, you can find geoduck in most of Chinese restaurant in PJ or Ampang.

Photo Credit to MandysCatchoftheDay

Here is some video to share

As stated in, “The most impressive clam in the Pacific Northwest is the geoduck (Panopea generosa). The world's largest burrowing clam, the geoduck reaches an average size of 2.07 pounds (including the shell) in subtidal waters of Puget Sound (based on surveys of commercial beds before fishing). The average size of recreationally caught geoducks on intertidal public beaches in Puget Sound is 2.47 pounds. The largest geoduck ever weighed and verified by WDFW biologists was a 8.16-pound specimen dug near Adelma Beach in Discovery Bay in year 2000. Much larger specimens have been reported by commercial harvesters. Geoducks grow rapidly, generally reaching 1.5 pounds in three to five years. They attain their maximum size by about 15 years, and can live at least as long as 168 years.

They are extremely abundant in the inland waters of Puget Sound, British Columbia and Alaska, where the subtidal populations support important commercial fisheries. Their range extends from Alaska to Baja California, but they are rarely found along the Pacific coast, and populations are likewise scarce west of Clallam Bay in the Strait of Juan de Fuca. Geoduck clams are found buried two to three feet deep in mud, sand, or gravel. The gaping, oblong shell is white with concentric rings, and generally has thin patches of flaky brown covering (periostracum) at the edges. The siphon and mantle are so large that they cannot be withdrawn into the shell.
Geoducks have been observed with underwater video cameras living as deep as 360 feet in Puget Sound, and the vast majority of the population is subtidal. They are not nearly as abundant intertidally, and sport diggers generally find them on beaches only at extreme low tides (lower than -2.0 feet). For this reason, most of the sport digging is restricted to less than 20 tides a year.

The clam's name, pronounced "gooey-duck" is of Native American origin and means "dig deep." It is variously spelled goeduck, goiduck, or gweduck. 

Monday, September 2, 2013

Flavour Explosion - Nathalie’s Gourmet Studio

C'est vrai! I’m in fine French restaurant in KL. I may be the last person to have not had Nathalie's food. Expectations had been set high after hearing and reading so much about this place.

The menu invariably invokes Ohhh, Woow and Ahhs among newcomers but there are fixtures we have come to know and love. The menu may be limited but you know it’s thoughtful, and all creations are intriguingly flavorsome which I can say will intrigue even the most fastidious palates.The atmosphere not just helped people to socialize and feel comfortable, it also more likely to develop an emotional connection while enjoying the foods.

On arrival, there will be a complimentary bread & butter as starters. The bread is warm & fresh with the signatory crusty outer crust of French breads.

Here some of the highlights;

Duck Breasts Stuffed with Blueberries and Italian Parsley, Creamy Hazel Nut Polenta, Hazelnut Emulsion

Our duck breasts were tender and soft to the bite and the blueberries and chives’ stuffing accentuates the flavour even more. The bed of hazelnut polenta was soft, creamy and soft; it almost felt like we are indulging on some dessert or what! My hat is off to you ducky!

Half Cooked Salmon, Daikon, and Wasabi Puree with Coriander Pesto

Halibut Brandade, Fresh Herb Emulsion, Garlic Chips  

Warning mate, this dish is salty…(I mean it!). For your information, Brandade is an emulsion of salt cod and olive oil. Normally they use Cod fish for this type of cooking whereby the flesh was wrapped with salt and be marinated for a couple of days, and when used the fish will be soaked in water to take out the salty flavours. This method was commonly used in the olden days when they do not have a cooler to keep the fish fresh hence the use of salt to retain the freshness.
So.. if you dare to challenge your taste bud, you can still give this a go.

Mont Blanc, Chestnut Sorbet

I love chestnut so you can imagine uh! No need to explain. Personally I really adore Nathalie’s version of puree. The meringue base was crunchy on the outside with a soft, airy texture on it.

Caramel, Crispy Praline and Vanilla Creme Brulee like a Christmas log, Vanilla Shot

Well…well, calling all the vanilla lover, this one for you! The vanilla shot was thick, rich, & sweet. The chestnut puree was soft and creamy, with a sweet nutty flavor.

Oh…yea! When we Google about Nathalie, the comments mostly about her macaroons. So am I missed it? NO, I’m NOT! And friends, let me clear this thing loudly, it’s all true, true, true; so resist the urge to overeat, if only so you can stuff your face with her deliriously delicious, dexterously aerated macaroons. And for that, I have abundant reason to be thankful for making me change my perception about humdrum macaroon before.

FYI, the menu changes monthly, but no worries mate there is little chance your palate will get inured to Nathalie’s considerable gastronomic charms.
No need to list reasons why one would not venture into Nathalie for well, anything. Will I be back? Are you insane? Of course I will especially if you’re buying, I will accompany you!

Nathalie’s Gourmet Studio
Unit 4-1-5 Solaris Dutamas
Jalan Dutamas
50480 Kuala Lumpur


Meat-Eater – Too Woo Mba

My carnivores tag up! It’s happened when I heard that there is one restaurant in town called ‘Too Woo Mba’ where they serve all the meat from Aussie.

We heard that they are really…I repeat, really serving a @Wagyu beef. Wagyu beef or sometimes also known as Kobe beef, originates from a small group of breeds of cattle from Japan that are genetically predisposed to high marbling. The great thing about Wagyu beef is that even though the meat is heavily marbled with intramuscular fat, this type of fat is of the good or unsaturated kind.
I really wanted to have the Wagyu but then they don’t have it. A little bit disappointed L

We ordered a tenderloin steak, fettuccine carbonara & mix grill platter. Our order was served. After my first bite of the steak I was like a crazy vampire initiated. I had gotten a taste I couldn't shake and hungered for more. My meat cooked for medium rare and it was perfectly succulent.  

A bit bland for their mix platter. It’s a combination of chicken, beef & lamb with a choice of black pepper or mushroom sauce. My friend ordered her meat for mid well but we think it was cooked for well done, a bit dry and quite hard.

 For the fettuccine, it’s ok ok lah but I prefer the one in Chilli’s Espresso (will post up later). 

I cannot more highly recommend Toowomba just because its menu and nothing like what I would have expected. But the waiters did accommodate every request with smiles.