Wednesday, August 28, 2013

How worldly is your taste?

A few months passed and I'm now only able to post on this blog. I do apologize, for anyone who's been kind enough to stop by, I'm back!

I have a very duplicitous nature about approaching food. So, recently I’m kind a crazy took all the quizzes about how worldly is my taste.
For Ultimate Foodie Quiz I've scored 8 out of 10. Not bad uh for a starting. This quiz goes way beyond meat and potatoes to test your food familiarity.

1. In which of these places was the mango first cultivated? (India/Zanzibar/Tahiti/Canada)
Answer: India. The mango is native to India and was cultivated there as early as 2000 BCE. Today it is grown in other tropical places, such as Thailand and the islands of the South Pacific.

2. Lolla Rossa is?
Answer: Type of Lettuce. Lolla Rossa is a type of heirloom lettuce with frilly leaves that have a reddish tint. It originated in California.

3. Which of these is not used to flavour food? (Fenugreek/Fennel/File/Frankincense)
Answer: Frankincense. Frankincense is used in incense and perfumes, but not food.

4. What gives peppers their heat? (Capsaicin/Carotene/Chlorophyll/Sucrose)
Answer: Capsaicin. Capsaicin is a kind of chemical that humans perceive to be hot. Peppers contain lots of capsaicin.

5. What is the name for a Turkish dish made of stuffed vegetables? (Filo/Dolma/Pide/Baklava)
Answer: Dolma. Dolma is a dish made of vegetables such as aubergine, peppers, or grape leaves stuffed with rice, cabbage, or some other filling

 6. What is baba ganoush made of? (Cucumber/Eggplant/Saffron/Potatoes)
Answer: Eggplant. Baba ganoush is a very popular Middle Eastern dish made primarily of eggplant and tahini, a paste made from sesame seeds.

7. Which of these is found in milk and cheese? (Sulphuric Acid/Boric Acid/Citric Acid/Lactic Acid)
Answer: Lactic acid. Lactic acid occurs naturally in the souring of milk and can be found in foods such as cheese and yogurt.

8. From what plant does the granadilla fruit come? (Venus’s-flytrap/Passion Flower/Peony/Orchid)
Answer: The granadilla, popular in tropical America and in Australia, is the fruit of the passion-flower.

9. Which of these has clams as an ingredient? (Arroz con Pollo/ Spaghetti alla Carbonara/Spaghetti alle vongole/ Sopressata)
Answer: Spaghetti alle vongole. In Italian, vongole means "clam." Spaghetti alle vongole is a pasta dish made with clams.

10. Which of these is not a relative of cabbage? (Brocolli/Cauliflower/Onion/Brussel Sprout)
Answer: Onion. Broccoli, cauliflower, and brussels sprouts are hybrids developed from cabbage. The onion is a relative of garlic and other bulbs.

Ultimately I realized I've learnt tones of things about food. Some I've never heard of, some I've tasted but maybe not in a right way of cooking and some are fantastically blow my mind.
If you wanna try, go to this website

Go ahead, eat the world!